CLICK HERE to learn about this SYLLABUS and my TEACHING

CLICK HERE to learn about this SYLLABUS and my TEACHING

All student images used with permission.

CLICK HERE to see a Lesson Plan Example

CLICK HERE to see a Lesson Plan Example

Flipped Learning

Flipped learning is a pedagogic methodology that "flips" the standard practice of content dissemination in the classroom and content processing out of the classroom. Essentially, students learn the content outside of the classroom and then do the more difficult steps of integration and application (otherwise known as homework) in the classroom. Click here or the icon above to see an example of how I use this methodology in my classroom. 

Flipgrid is used in this instance to encourage students to cognitively process the semester's learning objectives in advance of their final project. The goal is to help them integrate and apply learning outcomes competently and with confidence. Flipgrid gives students 90 seconds to create a video response to a prompt written by their instructor.